$studentDetails = array( "Nahid", "Mahamud", 8247, "DRMC" ); //this is fine too $studentDetails2 = [ "Nahid", "Mahamud", 8247, "DRMC" ]; $n = count($studentDetails); for( $i=0; $i<$n; $i++ ){ echo $studentDetails[$i]."\n"; }
change or modify a value of an existing array
$studentDetails[1] = "Hridoy"; //will replace Mahamud with Hridoy
Array Pop removes the last item from an array and returns it.
$last_item = array_pop($studentDetails); echo $last_item."\n";
Array Shift removes the first item from an array and returns it.
$first_item = array_shift($studentDetails); echo $first_item."\n";
Add new data at the end of the Array.
//array_push(arrayname,data); array_push($studentDetails,CSE);
Add new data at the first of the Array.
//array_unshift(arrayname,data); array_unshift($studentDetails,Male);
#Associative Array:
$myDetails = [ 'First Name'=>'Nahid', 'Last Name'=>'Mahamud', 'College No'=>'8247' ]; echo $myDetails['College No'];
#Associative Array
$foods = [ 'vegetables' => 'capsicum, carrot, potato, raddish', 'fruits' => 'apple, orange, banana, grape', 'drinks' => 'water, smoothie, juice', ]; echo "\n"; //show one data echo $foods['vegetables']; echo "\n"; //show all data foreach ( $foods as $key => $value ) { echo $key."=".$value."\n"; } //another way $keys = array_keys($foods); print_r($keys); //use to print array
#Array to String and String to Array
//STRING TO ARRAY $language = explode(', ','bangla, english, gemran'); var_dump($language); echo $language[2]; echo "\n"; //ARRAY TO STRING $languageStirng = join(', ',$language); echo $languageStirng;
#Multi-Dimensional Array:
//MULTIDIMENSIONAL ARRAY $foods = [ 'vegetables' => explode(',','capsicum, carrot, potato, raddish'), 'fruits' => explode(',','apple, orange, banana, grape'), 'drinks' => explode(',','water, smoothie, juice'), ]; echo "\n"; print_r($foods);
#Array to JSON:
$stdDetails = [ 'First Name'=>'Nahid', 'Last Name'=>'Mahamud', 'College No'=>'8247' ]; $jsonData = json_encode($stdDetails); echo "\n"; echo $jsonData; $jsonDataDecode = json_decode($jsonData,true); echo "\n"; print_r ($jsonDataDecode);
#Array[copy by value & copy by reference]:
$person = [ 'fname' => 'Nahid', 'lname' => 'Mahamud', ]; $newperson = $person;//copy by value /** * SHALLOW COPY IS MORE LIKE POINTER IN C */ $newperson = &$person;//cooy by reference/shallow copy -> changes value in both arrays $newperson['lname'] = 'Hridoy'; print_r ($newperson); print_r ($person); [/code] <strong>#Remove data from Associative Array:</strong> use <code>unset</code> to remove data from associative array [code] $person = [ 'fname' => 'Nahid', 'lname' => 'Mahamud', ]; print_r($person); unset($person['lname']); print_r($person);
#Extractdata from An Array: use array_slice()
to extract data from normal/associative array.
/** * extract data from an array */ $prDetails = [ "Nahid", "Mahamud", 8247, "DRMC", ]; //$extractedData = array_slice($prDetails,2); /** * array_slice(array_name, from where to slice, how many items) * true, preserve offset key of the actual array */ $extractedData = array_slice($prDetails,2,1,true); print_r($extractedData); /** * EXTRACT DATA FROM ASSOCIATIVE ARRAY */ $personx = [ 'fname' => 'Nahid', 'lname' => 'Mahamud', 'collegeNo' => 8247, 'homeTown' => 'Tangail', 'gneder' => 'Male' ]; $personExtractData = array_slice($personx,2,null,true); print_r($personExtractData);
/** * array_splice()-> extract and remove data from an array */ $personRemoveData = array_splice($personx,2,2,true); print_r($personRemoveData); /** * array_splice()-> extract and remove data from an array * and then insert some data */ $personx2 = [ 'fname' => 'Nahid', 'lname' => 'Mahamud', 'collegeNo' => 8247, 'homeTown' => 'Tangail', 'gneder' => 'Male' ]; $newInfo = [ 'hobby' => 'coding', 'position' => 'CEO', ]; $personDataUpdated = array_splice($personx2,2,2,$newInfo); print_r($personDataUpdated); print_r($personx2);
#Sort In Array:
/** * SORT IN ARRAY * SORT DONOT PRESRVE KEY * Use asort() in order to preserve key * arsort() -> use in case you need reverse sort * ksort() -> use in case you need sorting based on key * krsort() -> use in case you need reverse sorting based on key */ $favFruits = ['apple','banana','orange','favOne'=>'guava','lichi','mango']; sort($favFruits); print_r($favFruits); asort($favFruits); print_r($favFruits); $randu = ['apple','Alpine','anaconda','Banana','Ballon','cat','Cow','zoo','Giraffe']; sort($randu); print_r($randu); //sort based on string and case insensetive sort($randu, SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE); print_r($randu);
#Search In Array:
/** * search in array */ $randu = ['apple','Alpine','anaconda','b'=>'Banana','Ballon','cat','zoo','Giraffe']; if(in_array('zoo',$randu)){ echo "HURRAY!!! WE GOT IT"; }else { echo "NOT FOUND"; } echo "\n"; $searchPosition = array_search('zoo',$randu); echo "We found it on ".$searchPosition."th position"; echo "\n"; /** * search key in array */ if( key_exists('bx',$randu) ){ echo "KEY EXISTS"; } else { echo "Key Not Found"; }
#Array Difference & Intersection:
/** * Identitify common element in array */ $ourNumber1 = [1,2,33,4,567,12,13,221,233]; $ourNumber2 = [11,122,31,04,567,112,123,221]; $common =array_intersect($ourNumber1,$ourNumber2); print_r($common); $ourFruit1 = ['a'=>'apple', 'b'=>'banana','l'=>'lemon','o'=>'orange']; $ourFruit2 = ['a'=>'apricut', 'b'=>'banana','LM'=>'lemon','o'=>'olive']; $commonf =array_intersect($ourFruit1,$ourFruit2); print_r($commonf); //ALSO CHECK WITH KEY $commonf2 =array_intersect_assoc($ourFruit1,$ourFruit2); print_r($commonf2); /** * CHECK DIFFERENCE IN AN ARRAY */ $diff = array_diff($ourFruit1,$ourFruit2); print_r($diff); //also check diff with key $diff = array_diff_assoc($ourFruit1,$ourFruit2); print_r($diff);
#Utility Functions Of Array:
/** * UTILITY FUNCTIONS OF ARRAY * array_walk() -> doesn't modify array */ $unumber = [1,23,2,22,11,3,32,12,11,8,47]; //will show square of aall elemnts function numberSquare($num) { printf("Sqaure of %d is %d \n",$num, $num*$num); } /** * UTILITY FUNCTIONS OF ARRAY * array_map() -> will modify array */ //will return cube function numberCube($num) { return $num*$num*$num; } array_walk($unumber,'numberSquare'); $newArray = array_map('numberCube', $unumber); print_r($newArray); /** * UTILITY FUNCTIONS OF ARRAY * array_filter() -> will update array */ //check even function checkEven( $n ) { $edata = (($n % 2) == 0) ? true:false; return $edata; } //check odd function checkOdd( $n ) { $edata = (($n % 2) !== 0) ? true:false; return $edata; } //here checkEven is a callback function //here checkOdd is a callback function $newArray = array_filter($unumber,'checkEven'); $newArray2 = array_filter($unumber,'checkOdd'); print_r($newArray); print_r($newArray2); /** * you can treat any string as an array */ $personName = ['clerk','bruce','banner','barry','kal','tony']; //check name by b function checkNameByb( $name ){ return $name[0] == 'b'; } $nameWithb = array_filter($personName,'checkNameByb'); print_r($nameWithb); /** * ARRAY UTILITY FUCNTION * array_reduce -> will do operation on an array then will reduce it */ $rnumber = [1,2,3,4]; /** * this fucntion will show sum */ function sum($oldVal = 0, $newVal) { return $oldVal+$newVal; } /** * this fucntion will show sum of even numbers */ function sumEven($oldVal = 0, $newVal) { if( $newVal % 2 == 0 ){ return $oldVal+$newVal; } else{ return $oldVal; } } $sum = array_reduce($rnumber,'sum'); //sum is callback function $sumE = array_reduce($rnumber,'sumEven'); //sumEven is callback function echo $sum; echo "\n"; echo $sumE;
#List Function In Array:
/** * LIST FUCNTION IN ARRAY */ $studentDetails = [ "Nahid", "Mahamud", 8247, "DRMC", ]; list( $firstName, $lastName, $collegeNo, $college ) = $studentDetails; echo $college;
#Range Function In Array:
/** * RANGE FUNCTION AND STEPPING IN ARRAY */ //will print 1 to 20 $numberRange = range(1,20); /** * range(frist,last,step) */ $numberRangeEven = range(1,20,3); print_r($numberRange); print_r($numberRangeEven);
#Shuffle In Array:
#Array Shuffle:
/** * ARRRAY SHUFFLE * normally will not preserve key in associative array */ $personx = [ 'fname' => 'Nahid', 'lname' => 'Mahamud', 'collegeNo' => 8247, 'homeTown' => 'Tangail', 'gneder' => 'Male' ]; shuffle($personx); print_r($personx); /** * WILL SHOW A RANDOM VALUE FROM AN ARRAY */ $personxr = [ 'fname' => 'Nahid', 'lname' => 'Mahamud', 'collegeNo' => 8247, 'homeTown' => 'Tangail', 'gneder' => 'Male' ]; $key = array_rand($personxr); echo $personxr[$key]; /** * another way * make a temporary array */ $_personxr = $personxr; shuffle($_personxr); print_r($_personxr);
#Remove Empty Values From Array:
$wp_day[] = get_field( 'w_day' ); //acf filed values -> from foreach loop to an array $unique_dates = array_unique($wp_day); //make the array unique $unique_dates = array_values(array_filter($unique_dates)); //remove empty values