Convert Old Shopify Theme Into Shopify 2.0

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1. Remove {% section %} tags

2. Move surrounding {% section %} codes into their own sections
for example: {% section 'product-faqs' %} will be now product-faqs.liquid under SECTIONS

3. Replace the Liquid template with a JSON template.
For example: page-faq-template.liquid will be page.faq.json

4. Add in references to the sections into your new JSON template

code for TEMPLATE>
where there is a section under SECTIONS> page-contact-template.liquid

  "sections": {
    "main" : {
      "type" : "page-contact-template"
  "order": [
Picture of Nahid Mahamud

Nahid Mahamud

Web Developer | Graphic Designer | WordPress & Woo-commerce Expert